Giving back … Taieri Dramatic Society members give Mosgiel Salvation Army staff a donation in the Fire Station Theatre last week. From left are Mosgiel Salvation Army officer Margaret Pearce, Captain Rob van Abs, Christmas is a time … writer and director Rosemary Chalmers and (back from left) cast members Jasmine Rixon (16), Chicane Woodward (11), Emerald Ottley (16), Nate Wilson (11), Tabitha Littlejohn (16), Kiera Wallace (12) and Oliver Rixon (13).
Photo Shawn McAnvinue
by Shawn McAvinue The Star (17 January 2019)
The Wi-Fi switched off and a troupe of proud young Taieri actors put on a performance for a local charity.
Taieri Dramatic Society writer and director Rosemary Chalmers, of Mosgiel, said the society raised more than $140 for the Mosgiel Salvation Army from the first performance in the season of musical, Christmas is a time …, which started in the Fire Station Theatre on December 15.
The musical was used as a platform for young actors to gain confidence and raise funds for the charity.
“The children feel very proud.”
Salvation Army Mosgiel regularly supported the theatre by lending items such as tables and chairs to help the society hold productions, Mrs Chalmers said.
“We wanted to give something back.”
The play was about a grandmother switching off her Wi-Fi to force her grandchildren to put down the digital devices and be present at Christmas by spending time with the family and in their community.
Capt can Abs said he was grateful for the donation, the message of the play and the work of the theatre.
“For us it’s a place for young people to participate, to be included and find a place of value – this place is fantastic.”